Career Planning & Transition Support

We are dedicated to assisting individuals effectively and purposefully transition to a new career opportunity. Our career transition programs utilize proven methodologies and assessment tools grounded within an adaptable career transition framework. We understand that each client has unique interests and needs that require ongoing individualized advice and counsel from an experienced and caring consultant.
Leadership Assessment

With our clients we create leadership assessment centers that fit seamlessly with their culture, leadership skills and competencies, and existing succession planning efforts. Our designs are grounded in the belief that leaders do two important things: they engage their staff in a future that is meaningful to them and to the organization, and they teach them how to achieve that future.
Our leadership assessment centers honour the accomplishments, courage, and conviction of all participants within a challenging and supportive environment that offers the opportunity to learn.
Development & Coaching

Our development and coaching approach is holistic, honours the client, and endeavours to offer complementary perspectives to address their coaching topic. Each individual with whom we work will experience an integral and personalized approach. Each individual's situation is unique; each path their own. We recognize this reality and engage each person uniquely.
Organization and Team Alignment

With extensive experience within the private and public sectors during periods of significant expansion, downsizing, realignment, merger and privatization we creatively design sustainable large scale and small team interventions based on sound participative planning frameworks. These interventions are based on the principle that each system possesses the experience, skills, and capacity to determine their own future. Our role is to design and facilitate the participative processes that will enable these to be fully engaged.